Abracon是无源和机电定时,同步,电源,连接和RF解决方案的****制造商。 Abracon拥有广泛的石英晶体,晶体和MEMS振荡器,实时时钟,功率电感器,IoT天线等产品组合,可帮助工程师将他们的想法转变为可满足未来机遇的产品Abracon is a leading global manufacturer of passive and electromechanical timing, synchronization, power, connectivity and RF solutions. With a broad portfolio of quartz crystals, crystal and MEMS oscillators, real time clocks, power inductors, IoT antennas and more, Abracon helps engineers transform their ideas into products that meet the opportunities of tomorrow
瑞士Axel Larsson电磁阀
Axel Larsson创建于1947年 至今已有50年历史。1994年取得ISO-9001质量认证。目前**上*高等*的质量标准是QS-9000。来源于美国...